Attendance: Kathy Baptie, Sally Cashin, Jan Cronin, Cathy Fink, Amy Fotsch, Mary Gayle
Gagliano, Judy Giljohann, Betsy Haushalter, Sue Jablonski, Kristina Olkowski-Sayas, Kayte
Parkin, Karen Sopik, Carla Stensberg, Pat Tibbetts, Maureen Ullrich, Jill Varick and Janet
President Sally Cashin called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.
Review of Minutes. Kathy Baptie moved and Carla Stensberg seconded that the August
minutes be approved as written. Approved.
President’s Report: Sally Cashin let members know that former Library Board president Mike
Flanigan, husband of FOEGL board member Deb Flanigan, has passed away. We discussed
donating a book or books to the library from FOEGL in Mike’s name. Judy Giljohann moved
and Karen Sopik seconded that FOEGL donate $100 to the library for the purchase of books,
particularly history, in memory of Mike.
Treasurer’s Report. Carla Stensberg has added a Garden Committee to the FOEGL books.
The total budget for this fiscal year is $13,675. Janet Wintersberger moved and Jill Varick
seconded that the September Treasurer’s Report be approved. Approved.
Library Director’s Report: Sarah Muench was ill so there was no report.
Lights of Love: A new Christmas tree has been found for the library. The banner is still
missing so a new one will be ordered. Kayte Parkin joined FOEGL and the Lights of Love
committee. This year’s fundraising goal is $16,000. An envelope stuffing party will be held
on October 29th.
Gifts and Bequests: No report.
Bookie Cookie: No report.
Used Book Sale: The used book sale report was read in Pat Ruttum’s absence. Pat
announced she will be resigning as chair after the 2016 sale. The 2016 sale will mark the 30
year anniversary of the book sale. The used book committee will meet to discuss future chair
options from within their existing group members. In addition, Pat has offered to mentor the
group during this chair transition. Despite the declining used book sale income, the board
decided the sale should continue. Strategic planning discussion should generate some ideas
for future library fundraising.
Garden Committee: The committee gave a $100 gift card from Williams of Sonoma to
Christopher Felhaber, as a congratulations on his marriage and a thank you for his work on the
garden. The committee is looking for a bronze garden plaque that says, “The Friends of the
Elm Grove Library Keep this Garden and the Library Growing.”
Membership/Volunteers: We are almost entirely out of FOEGL envelopes. Pat Tibbets
entertained ideas on how to improve the envelope before its next printing.
Adult Programs:
John Gurda, 10/15/15, 6:30 p.m.
Children’s Program, 10/24/15, 10:00 a.m. Up and At Em
Geneology, 11/12/15, 6:30 p.m.
Children’s Programs: No report.
Book Discussion Groups: Judy Giljohann indicated that there will be a new book discussion
group started for village newcomers and anyone else who is interested. The introductory
meeting will take place on September 24th.
Exhibits & Display: No report.
Special Projects:
Elm Grove Reads: October 8th, Jane Hamilton, Sunset Playhouse. Tickets are $5.00 and can
be purchased in the library. The hospitality committee will provide appetizers and the Sunset
will provide beverages. The library staff will receive complimentary tickets. Jane Hamilton
lives on an apple farm and has lots of wonderful stories to tell.
Strategic Planning: Karen Sopik gave a brief update on the library board’s strategic planning
and indicated FOEGL involvement in the next phase is welcome.
Support Committees:
Historian: No report.
Hospitality: No report.
Newsletter: Looks great with the garden pictures.
Publicity: Working on press releases and flyers for programs.
Web Page & Social Network: We have moved to the testing stage for the new web page.
The goal is to have it up and running by the end of September. Pictures are a current concern
due to unformatted disks.
New Business:
1. Betsy Haushalter will spearhead the homebound delivery program. She will check
with Dave DeAngelis to see if the village has any insurance or liability rules.
2. We discussed additional perks to FOEGL membership, including regular gift basket
3. Janet Wintersberger brought up the topic of a collaboration with the library
regarding programming and publicity. This will be put on the agenda for October’s
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Carla Stensberg and seconded by Janet
Wintersberger. The meeting was adjourned at 10.45 a.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen A. Sopik, Secretary