Attendance: Kathy Baptie, Sally Cashin, Jan Cronin, Cathy Fink, Deb Flanigan, Amy Fotsch, Betsy Haushalter, Sue Jablonski, Kristina Olkowski-Sayas, Kayte Parton, Pat Ruttum, Mary
Shanahan, Karen Sopik, Carla Stensberg, Kathy Tusing, Jill Varick, Janet Wintersberger and Sarah Muench, Library Director.

President Sally Cashin called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.

Review of Minutes. Carla Stensberg moved and Pat Ruttum seconded that the October minutes be approved as written. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report. Carla Stensberg presented the November Treasurer’s Report. Pat Ruttum moved and Deb Flanagan seconded that the November Treasurer’s Report be approved. Approved.

President’s Report: Sally Cashin
1) Thank you to those who participated in Elm Grove Reads.
2) Sally read a thank you note received from Chris and Dana (Felhaber) for FOEGL’s
wedding gift as a thank you for his plant donations and work on the FOEGL Garden.

Library Director’s Report: Sarah Muench had several items to convey:
1) Thanks to Kathy Tusing who helped Sarah coordinate the children’s area repairs to
the puppet theater, which is complete and a new chair, which is on order.
2) For Lights of Love on Sunday, December 6th, the library will be open from 3:00-5:00
p.m. David Rohr will be back with the trains.
3) The library system will be down from December 2-9, as the Bridges Library System
is coordinated in the technical sense. The shared catalog will grow to 2.3 million
4) The John Gurda program was very successful, with 100 people in attendance. It
was funded by the Bonnie Ornst Memorial Gift Fund.
5) Sarah spoke at an October Kiwanis luncheon.
6) Sue Daniels will be running a special holiday children’s party on December 10th
from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
7) A genealogy program will take place this evening (November 12th).

Lights of Love: To date $2,200 has been raised, down a bit from last year. FOEGL’s PayPal link is currently not working. This will be addressed immediately. Jill Varick asked for volunteers to work at Lights of Love. A sign-up sheet was distributed. More Girl Scout singers are also needed. FOEGL has purchased a new banner to be displayed in the park.

Gifts and Bequests: No report.

Bookie Cookie: No report.

Used Book Sale: The mini-used book sale will take place on November 14th, during Holiday in the Grove, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The sale will be located in the hallway.

Membership/Volunteers: Total membership is as follows:
Total Members 196
New Members 13
Lifetime Members 12

Adult Programs: Kathy Baptie indicated the following programs:
Elm Grove Reads, 90 tickets sold, 85 attendees
Genealogy Program
Lights of Love
Waukesha Senior Players

Children’s Programs:
Up and Adam, Over 50 attendees
February 20, 2016, Mad Science

Book Discussion Groups: No report.

Exhibits & Display: No report.

Special Projects:
Elm Grove Reads: See adult programs.

Strategic Planning: Betsy Haushalter has looked for a facilitator through the Non-Profit Center. The facilitator she had been pursuing is not available until after 4/15/16, if at all.
The non-profit center would cost $50 to join to access their people and rates. Facilitator fee would be additional cost.
Support Committees:
Historian: No report.

Hospitality: For Lights of Love, the children’s treats will be bagged. Apple juice, cider and
water will be the only beverages served. There will also be cookies and cake.

Newsletter: The most recent newsletter looked great.

Publicity: Janet Wintersberger will team up with the library on publicity for programming. Notices will be sent to the Waukesha Freeman, NOW and Lisbeth Pasalis-Bain.

Web Page & Social Network: Mary Shanahan indicated that she purchased a thank you gift card for Matt from Eddie Martini’s, as well as coffee, a mug, cookies from Great Harvest and a Chocolate Factory gift card. Pat Ruttum will help to figure out and fix the paypal glitches.

Old Business: With respect to a homebound delivery program, it would need to be run through the library for insurance purposes. A FOEGL member/members could act as library volunteers to provide the service, but it cannot be coordinated through FOEGL.

New Business:
1) The Junior Guild has asked for a donation to their auction. Jan Cronin proposed and Kathy Baptie seconded that FOEGL provide an auction gift basket, consisting of FOEGL
membership and books to both the Junior Guild and Tonawanda PTO for their auctions. Approved.
2) Kristin Olsen, Tonawanda Principal, has indicated that the Tonawanda library needs volunteers. FOEGL will put a notice in its newsletter and send out an email blast to its
3) We discussed whether FOEGL should purchase Officer and Director insurance for Sally Cashin and Carla Stensberg. No other friend’s group has it. We don’t see the need to
do this at present.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jill Varick and seconded by Mary Shanahan. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a.m.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. As per our December custom, there will be a short social along with the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen A. Sopik